Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Burger Bars...Poppyseed Chicken Kasserole...All have fallen short...

Kairos Pimento Cheeseburger

What's up guys,

I hope that your week is starting out to be all that you believe it can be! We're having a blast with our new menu! I have had the opportunity twice to do the burger bar and it’s just plain awesome. I still love my burger with the pimento cheese. It’s the best burger that I have ever eaten. Ever. We also put Greek Taco Bars on the new menu as well. I actually got the idea from catering my own rehearsal dinner… Well actually My Staff Katered the actual event but I made the food the day before. It's a great choice especially if you're looking for something different. My favorite thing on the menu at this time though, is my Granny's Poppyseed Chicken Kasserole. I've added a few little twists to it in hunting for that exact way to add extra delicious goodness… and man let me tell you that's some good eatin' right there! If you put some Grice’s Green Beans and Granny's Rolls with that and one of our luscious Kobblers...I'm good to go!! Don't forget the Southern Sweet Tea! It completes the experience. I would love a warm introduction to the person responsible for planning your office parties!!! Call us today (205-410-3220) or order online... our new Katering Menu, is full of #deliciousgoodness! Check out our website http://www.kairoskafe.com

Are any of you having trouble with all the new Healthcare Stuff? It is an absolute headache. If so I would also like to introduce you guys to a friend of mine. She is part of my business-networking group. Her name is Karen Morse and she is a specialist in Health Insurance, Medicare, and more. I recently had a visit with her to talk about what our best options are now that my Wife and I are expecting our first little Jones. She is on top of all the new stuff coming down. Give her a call (256) 426-0368 or e-mail kmorse@insphereis.com or look her up at http://www.insphereis.com/kmorse If you own a business or are in Sales I welcome you to join us this Thursday Morning in Kairos Kafe from 7:00-8:30 a.m. Bring at least 30 business cards and be prepared to Network. We have a great time building relationships and helping one another to grow our businesses. “You can have everything you want if you will just help other people get what they want.” –Zig Ziglar

I have some thoughts that have recently brought me to tears on many occasions. I’m sure many of you have been following the story of Matt Pitt and his recent troubles. I too, have been an observer, but maybe from a different perspective. I would preface this to say I have never been a “Basement” fan, and I’m sure I could come up with lots to say about that, but I have always been a Matt Pitt Fan... and not a fan in the sense that I have ever gotten carried away with any of the media hype... but simply a fan of his story because it is a story of the amazing Grace of Jesus! I am a fan of anyone, anywhere, who has had a radical, life-changing experience with Jesus. That being said, I am very saddened by the recent events that have surrounded him at the present time. On the one hand we have kids running around with “Free-Pitt” T-shirts, and on the other hand we have folks passing sentence on him and criticizing every thing he has ever done or said. I think it’s safe to say that both of these groups are wrong. For the “Free-Pitt” people... it’s obvious that Matt has some kind of problems that he needs to work through. That is glaringly evident, and to call it something that it’s not or to take only one side is wrong. We are responsible for what we do... not our intentions. The thing that bugged me so much about the first case was that I could see myself doing the same thing if put in the same situation... I think many of us would, but that was never stated. It was covered up and turned into something that it was not... I even understand the tendency to do that, especially when you are a public figure, but it doesn’t help solve the problems. I personally believe that Matt is where he needs to be right now, and I believe Jesus will be glorified in all this at some point. He is a phenomenal preacher with an incredible story, and the scriptures teach that the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. Jesus has a plan for Matt, just like he has had for me, but when we are full of pride and hard-headedness it most times takes rough situations to get all that worked out of us... in the hard times for me it has taught me that it’s all about Jesus, His Story, not mine, and He will get all the glory!

On the other hand the way that Matt is being crucified in the media and even in Churches is very sad to me. Shame on us. It’s amazing how popular opinion can elevate folks to such a high place and then in one stroke cut that same person down to nothing, and say the most degrading things about him, his family, and his ministry. I can’t judge and pass sentence on Matt. I have too many things wrong in my life to do that... and looking back, it was only by the Grace of God that I haven’t found myself in a similar spot. I went through a period of time where I felt a huge sense of entitlement, pride, etc. and in that God had mercy on me and allowed me to experience some things that got it out of me... although not completely because I still struggle, and perhaps always will. I need Jesus every second of my life to help empower me to be what He wants me to be... The Scriptures are clear that we all have sin... all ... I looked it up in the dictionary and it means all. We are undivided in that... so instead of rejoicing that a man is going through some rough times, perhaps we should examine our own lives and ask Jesus to show us the areas where we need to change. And perhaps when we do recognize those things (because we all have stuff) then instead of trying to cover it up or justify it we bring it to the light and talk about it... We all have issues.  Let's get them out there and look at them instead of trying hide. That’s the only real way to find healing. As for me, I am praying for Matt Pitt and for his family. I am still a Matt Pitt fan. He’s just like us. I would love to sit and talk to Matt just as I sit and talk to many men who are in similar spots. I’m praying for the opportunity to do just that! God Bless You Guys!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting Kairos! Have a great week!

James K Jones

P.S. If these newsletters encourage you, I have started a Facebook Page devoted to encouraging folks to share their stories. Many of you have asked if I have ever written down my story... I kicked off the page by telling it there. I’d love for you to join us! https://www.facebook.com/ten38edge

Kairos Kafe Meeting Space/Katering/Special Events Available 24/7
Call Branden 205-410-3220 or e-mail Branden@KairosKatering.com


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