Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chicken and Dressing…Southern Fried Tacos…It’s All a Gift

Mee-Maw's Chicken & Dressing

What’s up guys,
I hope that your week is starting out well. As for all of us around Kairos there is the buzz of an upcoming Wedding in the air! This is not unusual for us because we are used to being a part of people’s special “Kairos” moments in time through Katering thousands of Weddings, Rehearsal Dinners, Anniversaries and the like through Kairos Special Events. This one has just a little different feel to it because it is my own Wedding to my beautiful Miss, and most of my Staff will actually be in the Wedding so it is a very special time. Many people have asked me if my plan was to Kater my own Wedding. The answer is no. Kairos is pulling off a Rehearsal Dinner on the Beach though, so our delicious goodness will be making an appearance that weekend. Chef Bob Vanigan, who is a very special friend of mine, will be handling all the food for our upcoming celebration. I cannot think of any other person I would rather have to cook for us! You can check him out at, and of course e-mail if you are in need of a Katerer to handle your Special Event, or any other needs you may have, big or small.
I am excited about The Specials this week because I have come up with a few new ideas to bring to the table! I’ve been a bit more health conscious from thinking about fitting into a Tux, so my offering this week is a T.G.I.H. Special (Thank God, It’s Healthy!) It is one of the best Salads I have ever eaten, and I came up with it last week while trying to find a fun way to eat green veggies and fish. I was actually pleasantly surprised and have wanted another one ever since! It starts out with mixed greens and spinach that are sprinkled with green onions, cilantro, sweet onions, homemade chopped pickles, and a portion of fresh grilled Tilapia. The Kicker though is the dressing, a sauce I came up with several months ago that I am calling “The Jones Sauce”. This Salad is not only good for you it’s also packed with Delicious Goodness! The other new item is another Taco Spin! This one I am calling The Southern Fried! It’s packed with juicy chopped up helpings of our Southern Fried Chicken, with Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickle and onions and is smothered in our buttermilk ranch or our Jones Sauce. I think both of these new additions will be winners, but you know what they say… The Proof is in the Pudding and not in the recipe so I am joyfully awaiting the verdict from you! We have also had a ton of requests for my Mee-Maw’s Chicken and Dressing on The D.G. Express Lunch Buffet so we will have that next this week! I’ve also been playing around with meatloaf ideas and according to some of you I hit the Jackpot last when I tried a BBQ-Bacon Meatloaf version so expect to see that this week as well. The D.G. Express Menu is posted daily on our Facebook Page so check it out daily!
These past few weeks my thoughts have been centered on the Gifts that Jesus places into my life. During the tough times that we faced with The Gardendale Kairos, and all the Storms, Struggles, and Challenges I could find no way to make any significant meaning out of the process of failing there. I did come out of all that with some very valuable lessons about business, my purpose in life, and a newfound trust in the Power of God’s Plan for my life and a willingness to let all my thoughts and plans go in exchange for His. But then when I did that Jeremiah 29:11 became a reality for me in receiving the gift of a Wife. I never saw that one coming, but it did, and I did nothing to either initiate it or try and make it happen. It was just part of the plan. As I grew to know this beautiful young lady that I would eventually ask to marry me I found in her that I wasn’t just attracted to her outer beauty (which is beautiful no doubt!) but I found that I was attracted to her spiritually and emotionally as well. We made so many fast connections on so many levels it was astounding. It was as if I was created for her and she was created for me. This woman, I knew from the onset, was a gift from Jesus.
So fast forward a few months… I Pop the big question, she says Yes, and Boom, now it’s time to start with wedding plans. All this can get things tangled up really quickly, and I had a sense that if we weren’t careful and very deliberate we could very well lose the joyful anticipation and calm delight that we found in each other through all these details. We talked about it and talked to Jesus about it and I was and am determined that I never lose sight or focus of the fact that she was and every day is a gift to me from Jesus, and I to her.  I don’t ever want to lose that.
Since then the thoughts have struck me that everything I have in my life should be viewed through that same lens. If I see everything as a gift from Jesus then I have no room to become entitled or arrogant or take people, situtaions and things for granted. I am very thankful for that lesson, and I hope I don’t forget it. I will pray for you and you pray for me that will be a reality.
In Closing, I am thankful for the gift of each of you reading my words. I know most of you are customers, but there are actually thousands of people who read our newletter each week from all over the United States and as far away as Greece. That is both humbling and a blessing! God Bless You! Thank You for supporting Kairos, and have a wonderful week!
James K Jones

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