Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful For Each of YOU!!!!!

My Great-Grandmother's "Old School" Chocolate Cake

What's Up Guys!!

This Thanksgiving Season has been a very meaninful one for me and my Staff at Kairos Kafe. We have have endured some hard times this year, but we have made it through, we have learned from our mistakes, and we have a deep understanding that bigger does not always mean better... I personally would rather not have to go through tough times, I would rather that Jesus just speak a word to me and let me rock and roll with that, but His ways are always better than my ways. It seems that in my own stubborness or my own close-mindedness (is that a word?), that I have to go through some stuff in order to get my mind on the right path. Looking at it from this perspective enables me to be Thankful for all that we trudged through this year. I have a profound appreciation for my Staff and all the folks behind the scenes that make up Kairos Kafe. Being a part of this Team, and being privileged to lead it is something very special in my heart! That leads me to think of you guys. I am very Thankful for each of you, and even more so after the recent changes we have had to make. Kairos would not be successful without your support, and having been in the restaurant business all my life I can say with confidence that Kairos has the most loyal followers of any establishment I've ever been a part of! So many of you allow us not only to meet your Lunch and Katering needs, but you allow us into your homes and onto your Thanksgiving Tables via the Kairos Delicious Goodness Thanksgiving Menu. I have cooked more food this week than I ever remember cooking before, and I have loved every minute of it! So from the heart I say to each of you "Thank You"!!!

This Thanksgiving for me is extra special because I usually choose a side of my family to spend time with. This year, however, we have some cool plans that involve both sides. This morning I am headed over to Atlanta to spend part of the day with my Dad's side of the family. This will be our first year without my Granny, and I was trying to think of something special to do... My Aunt Denise has spoken to me often about her Grandmother's Chocolate Cake. This is my Granny's Momma, we called her Nanny, and I only have a dim memory of her because she passed away when I was young. I certainly never had the opportunity to cook with her, but from what I hear she was a pretty awesome cook.(My Granny had to get it from somewhere!) My Aunt and my Dad speak of a cake she made....they don't know that recipe... but told me that she made the icing on the stove... pretty vague... but my Aunt remembers seeing butter, sugar, milk, and Hershey's Cocoa go in... I really wanted to make this cake so I asked some of you on our Facebook page... and you came through!!! After going through your recipes I put my own little twist on it and I came up with a recipe. Today I'm taking that to my family in Atlanta! I can't wait to see my Aunt's response! Then tonight I'm heading down to Phenix City to see my Momma and spend a few days with that side of my family. I am a man who has a lot to be thankful for!

I want you to know that I am praying a special blessing for each of your this Season. I pray that Jesus would allow you to experience His Peace and His Presence in new and exciting ways. God Bless you and your Families this Thanksgiving and in the days to come. Thank You for supporting Kairos! Have a wonderful Holiday!!

James K Jones

Hours of operation:

Katering/Special Events Available 24/7 Call Denise 205-410-3220 or

Birmingham- Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 2:30 pm

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