Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chicken Denise...Cream Corn Salad...God Honors Bold Prayers...

Southern Fried Tilapia with Lemon Butter Sauce & Capers
What's up Guys!

                  I hope all of you are having an incredible day! Let me tell you about all the good stuff going on at Kairos Kafe this week. The Birmingham Specials include my newest recipe, Kairos Cream Corn Salad, which is so crackling good it will make you come back everyday for more. Now, you may be saying “Corn Salad??” and that was my first thought as well, but trust me, it’s good stuff. I made it last week on Fox 6 and the crew there demolished it in less than five minutes. Somehow, on this day, Jimmy cracked corn... and they all cared! I’ve actually been challenged to come up with more and more cold things since we added the Kountry Buffet in Gardendale. When the buffet tables came in I realized that the cold table was as big as the hot table, and since it is Kairos I can’t just put out any regular salad fixin’s ... so here we go! I hope this is the first of many cold dishes that I will be worthy of the meaning of Kairos.... God’s Special time... The Buffet this week will also include this, along with our near famous Watermelon-Tomato Salad, Mee-Maw’s Chicken and Dressing, and so much more. Remember the Buffet in Gardendale is now 7.99 per person for lunch and dinner, and kids 10 and under are half price. The Buffet Menu will be posted daily on our Facebook Page, and all the Specials are posted there and on our website (

The Special at both locations this week is Kairos Chicken Denise. This is named to honor our awesome Katering Director, Denise Nolen, who is doing a fantastic job! Make sure you give her a call for all of your Katering needs, big or small! 205-410-3220 or e-mail She has also started a weekly Contest on our Facebook Page. Check that out and you may be able to win a Katered Dinner for your Office, Friends, or Family. Well, I guess I should describe the dish! It is Pan seared Chicken Tenderloins in a savory cream sauce topped with Sautéed Broccoli, Mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese and Baked to perfection... I love this recipe, and it is the best one to name after her because it is not only filled with delicious goodness, it’s also a little on the sophisticated side! I hope you will give it a try at either one of our locations!

Last Friday I completed my “40 days of resolutions”. I started them because I felt like Jesus gave me the challenge. In the beginning I thought it would be fun... I would go over each one, focus in, learn some new stuff and go on my merry way... I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong I was... these 40 days were some of the toughest I’ve ever been through... it seemed like things went wrong on so many levels... but I stuck it out and I didn’t quit, even though everything in me was screaming to just give up... at the end of this I didn’t see any immediate changes, but then a few days later I had a Breakthrough. I really don’t talk like that too much because I really don’t think everything is a battle or a breakthrough or that we focus on spiritual warfare all the time but this was definitely one of those times! I was freed that night from six years of fear and misery from worrying about Kairos, the finances, and everything that comes with running your own business. It was incredible! Don't ever give up. God is Faithful! I’m Worshipping Him now as El Shaddai (The Name He used to introduce Himself to Abraham) which means "The God who is more than enough". He doesn't want us to worship Him as "the God who just helps us get by..." let's believe Him for more than enough!! That brings Him Glory!! He takes care of everything and it's more than enough so we have that to pass on to others!

In this I learned that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in today...We will get our Mojo back. Just take baby steps. I've found out the hard way that when things fall apart it most of the time means that things weren't okay to begin with. So God is not neccesarily putting it back together the same way, but rather how it should be going forward. He has a plan. A good plan. He Loves Us!! Don't look back. Rock and Roll. I’ve listed below the final week of my 40 days. If you want them all together shoot me an e-mail and I will send them your way.

Finally, Thank you guys for supporting Kairos Kafe. I know many of you love the food and the atmosphere, and I appreciate that, but know that when you support Kairos you are a part of so much more than that. I love you guys! Pray some bold prayers for us, and I will be praying bold prayers for you! God Bless you, and have an incredible week!

James K Jones

40 days of resolutions. Day # 36- I will resist the enemy. I will submit myself to Jesus and gain His perspective on every situation. His perspective changes me.

40 days of resolutions. Day # 37- I will live by Faith. I won't cut and run when the going gets tough.

40 days of resolutions. Day # 38- When I am in a tough spot or a battle, I will remember everything that Jesus has brought me through. I may not be where I think I need to be. But Thank God I'm not where I was! Big Picture Perspective changes everything.

40 days of resolutions. Day # 39- I will regularly examine my thinking. What I'm thinking about God, what I'm thinking about others, what I'm thinking about myself, and what I'm thinking about situations. If I am feeling sorry for myself, blaming someone, jealous, filled with Guilt, Shame, or Regret then I am the one who is wrong. It's amazing how one little thinking error can color whole days, weeks, and even months. I've got to regularly think about what I'm thinking about so I can allow Jesus to make me free! Romans 12:2

40 days of resolutions. Day #40- I will not merely hold these resolutions or the life that Jesus has given me as a sentiment in my heart. I will take responsibility for my life, business, actions, etc. I will Learn the unforced rhythms of Grace and apply everything I have learned to everyday of my life.

“Bold Prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers. God isn't offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by anything less. If your prayers aren't impossible to you, they are insulting to God. Why? Because they don't require divine intervention. But ask God to part The Red Sea or make the sun stand still or float an iron axhead, and God is moved to omnipotent action.
There is nothing God loves more than keeping promises, answering prayers, performing miracles, and fulfilling dreams. That is WHO He is. That is WHAT He does. And the bigger circle we draw, the better, because God gets more glory. The greatest moments in life are the miraculous moments when human impotence and divine omnipotence intersect- and they intersect when we draw a circle around the impossible situations in our lives and invite God to intervene.

I promise you this: God is ready and waiting. So while I have no idea what circumstances you find yourself in, I'm confident that you are only one prayer away from a dream fulfilled, a promise kept, or a miracle performed.”

-Mark Batterson (The Circle Maker)

Hours of operation:

Katering Available 24/7
Call Denise 205-410-3220 or e-mail

Birmingham- Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 2:30 pm

Gardendale - Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 8:00 pm

Closed Saturday

Sunday Kountry Buffet 11:00 am till 2:00 pm

Gardendale Bakery - Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 8:00 pm
Closed Saturday

Sunday 11:00 am till 2:00 pm

The Building at Kairos Kafe
Sunday night 6:00 p.m.

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