Sunday, March 10, 2013

Love, Sara...The Taco Station... IT IS FINISHED.

Kairos Chicken Florentine

What’s up guys,

Good times happening around Kairos this week. I just returned from a weekend trip to my Hometown of Phenix City, Alabama. I went down to introduce The Miss to my family there, and while we were there I took her to some of the “original” food spots to hip her to small town cuisine. Our first stop was at the local Piggly Wiggly to see my Aunt Patsy, the creator of Kairos Kafe’s legendary Banana Pudding. Next up was a trip to the 14th Street Grill for a Scrambled Dog and an R.C. Cola. This was pretty cool because it reminded of my Mee-Maw, who loved her some R.C.’s and Scrambled Dogs. We also got to meet the original owner, a pleasant lady named Martha. She was actually my Mom’s first employer at the ripe old age of 15, and when my parents got married Martha’s Son was their ring-bearer... We finished up with Dinner at Mike & Ed’s BBQ, which in my opinion is the best of the best, and to my knowledge the only place on the planet where you get your sweet tea out of a big trash can that has a spicket on it! As the weekend progressed and I heard endless stories about my family, it really made me think of my Granny and the Cookbook that I am compiling with all her beloved recipes, “Love, Sara – Granny and Me in the Kitchen”. I can’t wait for you guys to get a peek at this masterpiece that will also be my tribute to her life and her influence on our lives. It’s gonna be good stuff!

And speaking of good stuff, the delicious goodness is rocking on at Kairos this week. I didn’t think that it could be possible but I have actually come up with one more Kobbler that is creating a buzz around the Kairos World... Banana Kobbler! I cannot even begin to describe the taste and smell of this culinary delight. Its actually a very simple recipe...Banana’s, brown sugar, vanilla, butter, and a bubbly good top... and it is so good you will have to experience it for yourself! It will be on the D.G. Express Lunch Buffet this week. My Mee-Maw’s Chicken and Dressing was also a huge hit last week so that will be on this week as well.  I cooked dinner last week for my future in-laws, and when I first met MommaLu (my Miss’s Mom and my Mother-In-Law to be) she told me that some of her favorite things to eat were cobblers and Chicken and Dumplings. My fast reply to her was “Then it is very fortunate for you that Jesus has brought me into your life!” J I made my Granny’s Chicken and Dumplings and they were a huge success. She is still allowing me to marry her daughter! J There is also a new section on The Specials Menu that I am calling “The Taco Station” For so many years at Kairos I’ve tried to come up with fast sandwiches that are filled with delicious goodness. About a year ago I realized that when I was in a hurry and hungry I would often grab a flour tortilla, fill it with anything good, and eat it on the go! Since then I have come up with so many fun recipes that I think it’s almost time to start a Delicious Goodness Taco Truck! I hope you will experience each of them in the days ahead, and I welcome any suggestions you may have! I look forward to seeing you this week in the Kafe or when we deliver via the Katering Truck!

Perhaps the most exciting phrase (For Me) in the scriptures are three simple words that Jesus uttered as He poured out His very life and blood for me...


It is finished. Period. Now, I don’t know what that means for some people, and I haven’t always truly known what that means for me, but over the years Jesus has taught me what that very simple, and yet very powerful phrase means and how it can impact my life if I will just give up my own ideas and embrace the Truth of what He really accomplished for me on that Cross.

Last week a dear friend of mine made a comment in passing that caused me to go back and ask what that meant. She said, “The Ten Commandments in the Catholic Bible are Different from the Ten Commandments in the Protestant Bible. They are numbered differently...” I was a little confused and a little short when I said, “There is really no such thing as a Catholic Bible and a Protestant Bible... The Words were actually given to Jewish People and The Bible, if we want to get technical, is a Jewish Book...neither Protestant nor Catholic or any of the other 2911 sects that we have created over the years...” my next comment sparked a debate. I said “Anyways it really doesn’t matter because we are not under the Law. Jesus took care of all that and we are under the law of love...” For the next few days we went back and forth via text messages each defending our viewpoint. At one point I actually started texting full chapters from the book of Colossians, and although that may sound a bit ridiculous, this is a subject that I am very passionate about mostly because of my experiences following Jesus and the truths that He has used to transform my life from the inside out, and not from the outside in...

When I came to Jesus I had the subconscious thought that... okay... now I’m forgiven... but going forward it is up to me to keep myself right... up to me to figure out the rules, the laws, the ways that “I” need to live and doggone it, just white-knuckle it through this life and never miss the mark again. Man did I have it all twisted. I went through a period of time, a period of misery, where I actually put myself under so many laws and rules that I almost crumbled beneath the weight of them. I think that time was necessary, and through all that I learned that it really wasn’t about all that. It’s not about me. It’s about Him. It’s not about my own stuff and the impressive things that I can do. It’s about all the stuff that He has already done and all the awesome things that He is doing, and the incredible things that He wants to do! See, if it was all about me and I could make myself perfect then here’s what would happen. I could write a book. I could give you pointers and poems about how “I” did it, and how hard “I” worked and how impressed you should be with “Me”. Then you adopt the same laws, rules, and systems that I did and you could just sit at my feet and be like me... But guess what? If that were the Truth then why would I even need Jesus? What then should my response be? How do I respond to Jesus when He forgives me for so much? My natural human tendency is to try to work real hard to repay Him. But the unnatural, heart-of-Jesus response should be for me to take that and give it away to the people that make up my world. If I do that then I am fulfilling the Law of Love. If I make up rules, try to follow Old Testament Laws, and do all that then I am “doomed to disappointment” as Paul writes to The Galatians. In that letter He is clear that if we attempt to make ourselves right by following The Old Testament Law then we have to follow it 100% and not miss the mark on any of it. In Modern, Southern Language that means if you are doing it that way then you better not be eating BBQ! Because under the Law, Pork is forbidden. There are also thousands of things we make up or pick up from other people along the way that can become our own little “laws”. That’s why Jesus got so irritated with the religious folks in His days of walking the Earth.

All that can be subject for endless conversations and endless debates, which can be beneficial or not, but for me here is my #1 reason. The Law cannot change me. The Laws that I make up cannot change me. They may have the appearance of making me look Holy to ya’ll, but on the inside there is something else going on. I have heard it said that by trying to change by following the rules is like pouring gasoline on a fire... it just makes it worse... but when I give all that up and surrender my heart, my life, my will, to Jesus then He begins to make the necessary changes that lead to true freedom and an authentic life that He is the author of. Redemption is a beautiful thing. The Process can be Hell, but in the end there is always something beautiful that Jesus makes. I am so thankful that He took all that “do-it-yourself” stuff and all the laws, ceremonies, days, rules, and rituals and nailed them to His Cross! (Colossians 2:13-23) Maybe this week you will ask Him what that means. Perhaps you will exchange trying for trusting. Maybe this week you will experience His Peace in new and exciting ways. Not a Peace that comes from embracing our own goodness, but His Peace, which cannot be explained, which is full of His Joy and calm delight. Maybe instead of fretting about that little thing that you have been trying to change you will tell Jesus that you give up, and maybe then experience change the way He does it!

Thank you for listening to my words. Thank you for supporting Kairos! God Bless You and have a wonderful week!

James K Jones



P.S. We are getting married! A wonderful friend has set up a website for me and The Miss with all the details! Check out

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