Sunday, August 12, 2012

Kountry Buffet in Gardendale...Sante Fe Chicken...40 days of Resolutions

What’s Up Guys,

I had an incredible time cooking this week for the Kountry buffet on Sunday. I came up with some really cool recipes that have been a hit. I’m excited that I’ll be preparing new delicious goodness each day for you guys in Gardendale. The Buffet kicks off Monday at 10:30 a.m. The Lunch price is 7.99 per person (half price for kids) and the Dinner price is 9.99 per person (half price for kids). Recently I inherited all my Granny's Recipes and her massive collection of cookbooks. I’m putting all of them to good use! It sure has been fun going back through all the recipes I grew up with. It reminds me of Sundays at my Granny’s House. She always put out a spread that would have our mouths drooling, and every Sunday afternoon was a time spent building relationships around food. I’m hoping to tap in to some of those wonderful memories with all the additions we are making at the Gardendale Kairos. As for my Granny... I know she would be proud. Y'all come eat!

We will be posting the various Weekly Specials on our website and on our Facebook page Because of the changes between Gardendale and Birmingham the Specials will differ a little between stores. The Format for the weekly coupon will also be changing up some as well. Instead of sending out a coupon, we are asking that you “check in” on our Facebook page to get a free dessert, beverage, etc. each week. This will be a blessing to you guys and also help us in marketing by getting the word out about Kairos Kafe!

I’m about halfway through my 40 days of resolutions. It seems like they are getting harder but it’s a cool challenge. I’m gonna post them here in case any of you are interested, or in case you are in my circles... then you can hold me accountable. I love the new group on Sunday nights at The Gardendale Location. It’s called “The Building at Kairos Kafe” and we would love to have you join us! 961 Main Street in Gardendale. The power of God is in the testimony of His people!! What's your story?? How has Jesus impacted your life?? It irritates me when people think their stories are not spectacular and awesome. If Jesus did it in your life no matter how small or insignificant you think it is, it's incredible and there is somebody that needs to hear it. That wants to hear it. I want to hear it!! :) When was the last time you shared it??

40 days of resolutions. Day #15- I will believe in miracles. Something good is always just around the corner when I am following Jesus.

40 days of resolutions. Day #16-
When I am discouraged I will find ways to get encouraged. I will ask Jesus to encourage me. I will spend time with people that encourage me, etc. And if that's not available I will be like David and encourage myself. When I am disappointed I will find a way to get re-appointed!

40 days of resolutions. Day #17- I will face the challenges of each day and I will be determined to follow Jesus even when the tasks ahead of me are hard. I will be obedient even when I don't understand.

40 days of resolutions. Day #18- I will look for ways to encourage others. No matter what is going on in my life. I will be a blessing to other folks.

40 days of resolutions. Day #19- I will see others the way that Jesus sees them. Every Man & Woman on the Earth are valuable because they ate created in the image of God. Instead of being judgmental and critical I will seek to see people through the eyes of love.

40 days of resolutions. Day #20- I will not argue and fuss with others who disagree with me or the decisions I make. I will trust Jesus to defend me. I will not defend myself. And if I make mistakes I trust Him to teach me.

40 days of resolutions. Day #21- I will not keep an account or a record of things that people have done wrong to me. I will be quick to forgive and let offenses drop. I need forgiveness on a regular basis so I will be quick to extend that forgiveness to others.

God Bless You. Thank you for supporting Kairos, and have a wonderful week!

James K Jones

Hours of operation:

Birmingham- Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 2:30 pm

Gardendale - Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 8:00 pm
Saturday 4:00 pm till 8:00 pm
Sunday Kountry Buffet 11:00 am till 2:00 pm

Gardendale Bakery - Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 8:00 pm
Saturday 4:00 pm till 8:00 pm

The Building at Kairos Kafe
Sunday night 6:00 p.m.

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