The Sunday Kountry Buffet "After-Party" with The Kairos Krew |
What’s Up Guys,
It has been another awesome week at Kairos Kafe. The Specials this week are full of delicious goodness! We are offering some of our most popular items for “Take-Home” at the Gardendale Bakery. They include the Pimento Cheese, Soups, Kasseroles, Sauces, and Granny’s Roll Mix that you just pop in the oven! I hope to see you this week. In Birmingham and in Gardendale!!
We will be posting the various Weekly Specials on our website and on our Facebook page The Format for the weekly coupon will also be changing up some as well. Instead of sending out a coupon, we are asking that you “check in” on our Facebook page to get a free dessert, beverage, etc. each week. This will be a blessing to you guys and also help us in marketing by getting the word out about Kairos Kafe!
Last week I felt like God was challenging me to go back through my notes and take a look at some of the things I’ve learned over the years. I was very excited to re-read lots of my notes, and I decided to go through and reaffirm many of those things by doing 40 days of resolutions in my personal life. I thought I would share some of those with you guys this week.
Day #1 "I will live my life with purpose. I have a Vision from Jesus and I will keep my heart and mind filled with that Vision." where there is no Vision, I die. Slowly.
Day #2. I refuse Fear based on the knowledge that God is for me. If HE is for me, who can successfully be against me? When I following HIM I have no need to fear anything.
Day #3 I will LOVE REAL BIG. I will Love God with a heart full of gratitude for the life He has given me, and I won't grumble or complain about the things I don't have that I think I need. I will Love Others REAL BIG, and I will count their needs and concerns as greater than my own. If I Love Jesus and Love people then I won't have to be concerned with loving myself because all that will be right there.
Day #4 I will live my life receiving the Grace of God daily. The same Grace that He extends to me I will extend to others. I won't try to explain Grace. It's really unexplainable. It's uncomprehendable. But once I receive it, I know it, and it's awesome!! Thank You Jesus for your Grace! To me. And to everybody else.
Day #5 I will not give in to worry. God, who is the Ultimate Father, has promised to supply everything I need. I will Trust Him, and I won't try to figure everything out. It's been my experience that when I am fretting over how this or that is going to get done, I miss what He is already doing, and fail to enjoy the present moments in time. Its as if I can't hear a word HE is trying to say to me because there is a wall of worry and reasoning that separates us!! And it would suck to miss a "Kairos" moment in time just because I want to control the situations in my life and have everything neatly "figured out"!! Thank You Jesus that I can trust you. And I will.
Day #6 I will look for and find the Presence of God in every moment, and every situation whether its an easy situation or a rough situation. His promise is to never leave me or forsake me. Why is it then when times are tough it seems like He's not there? He hasn't went anywhere. I just stop looking for Him and start looking at my problems. I will search for him as for hidden treasure. And I will find him every time. Thank you Jesus for your presence.
Day #7 I will believe. In the promises of God. In His Word. In His Faithfulness. Even when the situations look rough, He always has a plan. He's always taking everything and forming it into His Plan for my good.
God Bless You. Thank You for supporting Kairos!!! Have a wonderful week!
James K Jones
Hours of operation:
Birmingham- Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 2:30 pm
Gardendale - Monday thru Friday 10:30 am till 8:00 pm
Saturday 4:00 pm till 8:00 pm
Sunday Kountry Buffet 11:00 am till 2:00 pm
Gardendale Bakery - Monday thru Friday 7:00 am till 9:00 pm
Saturday 4:00 pm till 8:00 pm
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