Monday, April 16, 2012

Granny’s Ultimate Corn...Kairos Gardendale...Prayers answered in unusual ways...

Sweet Lenny's Chili Chicken Tenderloins

What's Up Guys,

What an absolutely incredible week this has been! I really don’t quite know where to begin but the long hard journey to opening our second location in Gardendale has finally come to an end. The mood around here has been one of celebration, and at the same time spinning around getting things done. We were shooting for a soft opening in Gardendale, and that is still the plan, but if any of you are around Tuesday morning (April 17th) around 10:30 a.m. then I would say that it’s going to be a very special moment for all of us. A Definite “Kairos” Time! The Hours will be Monday Thru Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. except on Friday and Saturdays. We will stay open until 10:00 p.m. on the weekends. We are also installing a Bakery and Coffee Bar, but it will open in about two weeks. I cannot even begin to describe the way I am feeling at this time. It’s Awesome, humbling, incredible, and I am so very grateful to Jesus because he always has a plan, to my staff, and to each of you who are a part of this journey that we call building relationships around food!

The Birmingham City Scene also did a neat article about my Granny and one of her recipes, The Ultimate Corn Kasserole, which is also this week’s Veggie. Many Thanks to Lynn Grisard Fullman for writing such a wonderful article, which is very meaningful at this time because of my Granny’s recent departure to live with Jesus. I was thinking this week and talking to a friend about how everyone always ranted and raved over the food coming out of my Granny’s Kitchen. It seemed even more evident to people who married into our family or when some of us brought friends over to eat. They would all seem to have the same comment “Mrs. Jones, you need to open a restaurant!” Granny would always beam and smile but never entertained the idea seriously. But through Kairos Kafe in a way that has become a reality... and that makes my heart smile. The Specials this week would make Granny proud, and the Pasta is making my tastebuds water... BBQ Chicken Ziti, my very first out of the ordinary recipe that is full of delicious goodness...Black Bean Soup that hits the spot every time...our ever popular Cream of Potato Soup....Mee-Maw’s Chicken and Dressing... MmmmMmmmMmmm!! It’s the perfect week to open up in Gardendale! Just think, now you could have Kairos Delicious Goodness for Lunch in Birmingham, and then bring the whole family out for Dinner in Gardendale! I can’t wait to see you guys! In BOTH locations!

Although this week has been awesome, there were many tests and trials. On Monday we had our final inspections with The City of Gardendale. We ran into some problems, but then on Tuesday we passed. On Wednesday we had our Health Department Final, which is pretty tough. I was worried and I second-guessed myself all night long. The Health Department Finals are pretty serious, and they can go in any direction. That morning I was overwhelmed with texts, phonecalls, and Facebook messages from people saying that they were praying for me. I went into the final with high hopes because of thinking about everybody praying for me. It was really neat.

However, it didn’t go so good. It was pretty bad actually. It was a rough final and even though it didn't go smoothly I realized that all those prayers were powerful because I didn't one time lose my cool, get angry, pout, etc. It was weird. I actually surprised myself.

I am Thankful.  That evening Jeremy, Jerod, Denise, and I hit it hard tonight doing what they wanted done. With a little cleaning up on Wednesday and a lot of help from our Plumber the Awesome Lenny Madden, and our Electrician King Chad, and the rest of my Staff working around the clock on Thursday night we were able to get a three day list done in under 24 hours. Amazing,

Then on Friday Morning we passed all of our Finals. It's all just part of the process. Just because I am praying that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy or that things will be perfect. In an incredible way Jesus answered those prayers by doing something in me rather than changing the circumstances. Amazing Grace.

Thank you guys for helping me get through.

God Bless you. Thank You for supporting Kairos, and have a wonderful week!

James K Jones

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful outward relationship with GOD. I find it hard sometimes to express this as openly. I will be dining with you soon.

    Thanks for being a witness as well as a chef.
