Monday, March 5, 2012

Fresh Salmon...Roasted Tomato Soup...Just Don’t Quit...

The Baby Bishop Salad with Southern Fried Chicken and Buttermilk Ranch Dressing

What's Up Guys,

This has been an incredibly crazy week. I had hoped that this week’s e-mail would be one in which I would have the opportunity to celebrate the opening of the Gardendale Kairos Kafe, but we continue to push through as we finish up the 1000 little things that have to be finished in order to pass the overwhelming range of inspections that have to be passed before opening a foodservice establishment. Here’s to hoping that next week I will be able to include that in my weekly e-mail! And our many thanks to all you Gardendale fans who are patient with us!

I was once asked “James why do you do so many Specials at Kairos Kafe?” My answer was so that we can have fresh new offerings each week to keep our guests always coming back for more. I have been in the restaurant business since I was sixteen, and one thing I have learned is that no matter how awesome the product, if it never changed then I myself quickly grew tired of it, and I wouldn’t want that to happen at Kairos, so we keep some things constantly rotating so that things are always fresh and new. That was my goal anyways. I hope that we are meeting it with you guys! The Greek Tacos continue to top the list and I have a feeling they will make it onto the regular menu. The Fish this week is one of my all time favorites, Grilled Fresh Atlantic Salmon smothered in our succulent HoneyMustard Glaze. It’s not only beautiful and delicious, it’s also good for you, so that is always a bonus. The Kasserole is Mee-Maw’s Chicken and Dressing, a down home original recipe that is sure to please. The Soups are our always-popular Cream of Potato and an awesome Roasted Tomato that pairs beautifully with any of our Salads or Sandwiches. With all this delicious goodness going around I hope to see you this week in the Kafe, and always remember we can take care of any Katering needs 24/7!

This week has been an extremely trying one for me. It seems that everywhere I turn things seem to be a little whacky, and usually when that happens I have learned to recognize that I am going through some kind of test. And the only way to get to the next level is to pass the test. For me I think this is the “Trust” Test. It is so easy to trust Jesus and His plan when things are going wonderfully, but it’s not so easy when the going gets tough, but what else is there to do?

The answer seems to be just keep on going. It is amazing the things that I have seen happen in my life when I refuse to give up. I am reminded of a movie I saw when I was young called “Officer and a Gentleman”. In this movie Richard Gere was going through basic training to be a Naval Officer. Their training was pretty tough, and the drill instructor was doing everything he could to get him to quit. But, he refused to quit, and there was one part where he was going through an excruciating test and still refused to give up. The Instructor was letting him have it, and the guy finally broke down crying and said, “I can’t quit! I don’t have anywhere where else to go!” It’s hard to defeat a man who doesn’t have any choice but to get through what he has to do in order to reach his dreams.

It reminds me of the time that Jesus fed all those folks and he had a multitude following Him, but after He told them some hard truths they all went home and quit following Him. Jesus turned to his disciples and said (My Translation) “Are Ya’ll gonna go home too?” Their answer was awesome “Where else can we go? You hold everything for us...” They didn’t understand but they knew WHO they were following so what else was there to do except keep going?

He asked us to follow Him, He never said He would Follow us.

God Bless You Guys! Keep me in y our prayers, and I am praying for you guys! Thank You for supporting Kairos and have an incredible week!

James K Jones

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