Friday, December 17, 2010

Chicken & Dressing...Kairos for Chrsitmas...and Joy this season...

What's Up Guys,
                            The Christmas Season is really booming here at Kairos. I am both humbled and overjoyed that so many of you are including us in your Christmas plans. We have one more week to go here at Kairos, and we intend to go out with a bang! Then after that we are all looking forward to some time off with family and friends...

The Special is Mee-Maw's Chicken & Dressing. If you're in the mood for some delicious goodness just come on down to Kairos this week! It's served with gravy and cranberry sauce. I'm excited that we are doing this because it is one of my favorite meals! Over the past several years this recipe, along with a big ole Ham, has become the Christmas Tradition with my family. I love doing it because I can make it ahead of time and then just pop it in the Oven on Christmas Day. You can also do that this year if you'd like, just check out our Christmas Karry-Out Menu.

Or, if you would like to see me making it or get the recipe for yourself, click on the link below. (There is also a really good recipe for Cornbread)

James Making Chicken & Dressing on Fox 6

The Fish this week also has a Christmasy feel to it... Grilled Atlantic Salmon with a Cranberry Orange Glaze...Yum...The Pasta is Mac-Ham-and-Cheese...and the Soup is a hearty Red Bean Soup to get you ready for the Holiday Season...

Last but not least, there is the dessert special which is Red Velvet Cake. Kairos katered a party a few weeks ago for our friends at Impact Family Counseling, and they always ask for Red Velvet Cake. I personally have never seen what all the fuss is over this dessert...other than the fact that it is after thinking about it I decided to put my own little touch on the traditional recipe...and after I tasted it I decided it was something that was worthy to be fussed over! I hope you enjoy it, and this cake is also on the Karry-Out Christmas Menu.

This will be the second year that I prepared food for you guys to pop in the oven and the results have been fantastic. You may be thinking....why would I order from Kairos when I can make it myself? Well, that is certainly the most ideal way to prepare Christmas Dinner, but then some folks don't have the time or the knowledge, so that's where I hope that we will be able to fill a niche. I got an e-mail today from a dear friend that summed it up really well...

"Thank you SO much for your continuing dedication in providing the city of Birmingham with such great variety and tastefully Southern, delectable food. Having someone I personally know like YOU, to cook for me is a real treat!"

She called this morning to place her Christmas order, and she said "James, I'm just getting too old to be spending all my time in the kitchen cooking, and I would rather get my Christmas Dinner from someone I know than from a Chain..."

My thoughts exactly Ma'am and we will be happy to oblige you! Thanks again to all of you for allowing Kairos into your families and homes this Christmas Season.

Over the past several months Kairos has experienced an incredible growth spurt, especially in the Katering area, and with growth spurts often come growing pains. One of the things that I try to stay 100% on top of is the quality of our food and the quality of our service to you guys. Sometimes, though, when you are training new people or learning how to branch out into new areas, you make mistakes.

I used to be a person who could not make a mistake or it would crush me. Over the years one thing that Jesus has taught me is that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as I learn from them and don't keep repeating them. And as long as I am going forward doing the best that I can and not trying to make excuses. I hope that you guys will let me know if there are any areas in which we can improve, and also have mercy on us if we mess up. Building relationships around food is more than just a nice little catchphrase... its what we believe and practice, and for any relationship to grow and remain healthy, then we have to let others be who they are and even make mistakes from time to time.

I am honored to be on this journey with each of you!

One week left until Christmas and I haven't bought a single gift. Usually this would be something that would be driving me nuts, but I am learning something that God has been trying to teach me and that is enjoying each day to the full. If I'm always worrying about what I have to do or what I don't have then I will never, ever really get to enjoy today and the things that I already have. I may be too busy all week to do any shopping, but I believe it will even be more fun to do it on Christmas Eve and I may even save a buck or two.

The things that I am really looking forward to this Christmas is some quality, unhurried time spent with the people that I love. Joy to the world indeed!

Thank You Father for the gift of your Son! Thank you Jesus for coming to us, living your life for us, sacrificing your life for us, and setting us free! Thank you for teaching me how to have and enjoy life, and thank you for all the Awesome people that you have put on this journey with me!

Thanks to all of you for being a part of this dream called Kairos! God bless you, and may you have a wonderful, stress free week!

James K Jones

1 comment:

  1. Hi James,

    I don't know if you read the comments, but I want to tell you something. Your blogs really lift me up. I was sitting here feeling really sad about not having any money to buy gifts for Christmas. Feeling sad because my car is having some problems. Feeling sad because my mom is not here with me, but she is heaven. Why worry? God will provide for me. I will keep the faith and things will turn out the way that it should. Thanks so much for all the uplifting blogs!!!! Good Bless!!!
